Take Away

  • Chapter 18
    • Dealing with Jerks
      • Try your best to see things from their perspective.
      • Change how you communicate with them ie if in person communication is hard use email etc
      • Take a break if you get emotional
      • Document your interaction for example via email to seek advice
      • Pick project not involving them
      • Ignore them
      • Talk to your manager
      • Change Team
      • Change Company
  • Chapter 19 - Adaptability
    • See things as an opportunity or challenge and not a problem!
    • This allows us to become engaged and excited
  • CHapter 20 Tools and Patterns
    • The ability to build tools allowed us to become the most advance creature
    • allow us to perform better and faster
    • research tools that can do my job!
    • learn about tools before needing them
  • Chapter 21 Open Source Internally
    • By treating your project like an open source project is an investment
      • Colleague can see the cope of your project
      • Issues you are working on
      • Tests that support your project
      • Advertize it so everyone can see the work you put in!
      • More people will contribute
      • have larger impact
      • project grows faster
      • Allows project to not depend on you
  • Chapter 22 Getting more headcount
    • If you ask for more engineers and get the feedback that your project is not high priority
      • Your project is high priority,but has little visibility
      • Your project is low priority.
        • consider your options ie does it need to get done? and by who if not you?
      • Find someone who is excited about your project!
    • More people will not solve the problem ie having a baby :)
      • break project down into components
      • identify keystone issue
    • Management thinks you are not ready to lead
      • Work style doesn’t meet management expectations
        • If your beliefs differ significantly, consider opportunities elsewhere
      • Poor feedback
        • improve on weak points and try again
      • Great leader but not advertizing it!
        • be confident in meetings
        • take calculated risk and succeed
  • Chapter 23 Side Projects and Surroundings
    • Know what other teams are working on ie take half the day to catch up with other team or attend their meetings if possible
    • ie cross-functional meetings
    • why you become contact person for your projects
    • can align different project to complement each other if possible
    • visibility as a person and for project
    • build work relationship on helping each other